Lollipop Google publishes an update for Android that will speed up your phone and prevent it from stopping byAndro Alex -May 31, 2017
Lollipop The LG X Venture is a tough, affordable Android smartphone with a big battery byAndro Alex -May 29, 2017
Lollipop Jelly makes me long for an Android telephone tiny enough to get lost in my pocket byAndro Alex -May 17, 2017
Lollipop My Life on Microsoft: I went to Build 2017, and came away with an Android telephone byAndro Alex -May 16, 2017
Lollipop This small 4G smartphone runs Android phone 7.0 Nougat and costs just $59 – BGR byAndro Alex -May 16, 2017
Lollipop Android applications secretly tracking users by listening to inaudible sound hidden in adverts byAndro Alex -May 12, 2017
Lollipop Coship working on a dual-OS telephone running both Android and Windows telephone byAndro Alex -May 11, 2017
Lollipop This small jelly 4G smartphone runs Android 7.0 Nougat and costs just $59 – BGR byAndro Alex -May 11, 2017
Lollipop More Android telephones than any other time in recent memory are clandestinely tuning in for quiet sounds in advertisements byAndro Alex -May 10, 2017
Lollipop Microsoft fixes remote hacking imperfection in Windows Malware Protection Engine byAndro Alex -May 09, 2017