Your Android mobile Has a Built-In Childproofing Feature

This feature is also handy if you want to keep a certain screen open but worry that you might bump a button by accident. But handing over an unlocked phone is just asking for the kid to delete all your home screen shortcuts (or, worse, work emails). Screen pinning is also handy if you have to hand a phone to a nosey co-worker or to a cashier who needs to scan a coupon on your phone. Tap that to pin Snapchat to the screen. I have a phone that wants me to hold down the back button, and another that wants me to hold down the back and overview buttons together.

Google Pixel XL Review: The Best Android Phone Right Now

according to

pixel xl is best mobile till now 

And if you want more details on buying options for the Pixel and Pixel XL be sure to check out our Pixel and Pixel XL Buying Guide Google Pixel XL Review: DisplayThe Pixel XL packs in an AMOLED QHD display that is bright, punchy and vivid. Google Pixel XL Review: Specs & FeaturesThis is where the Pixel XL REALLY does come into its own. Google Pixel XL Review: What About The Google Pixel? The files are available for; Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 6P (all carriers but Verizon), Nexus 5X, Nexus 9, Nexus 9 LTE, and the Nexus Player.

Jelly Phone – The Smallest Android 4G Phone You Can Buy Today
Packed with a 2.4-inch display, Jelly phone stakes the claim to be the smallest android phone in the world. The Jelly phone will ideally be used as the secondary device, or anytime you're travelling for a leisurely activity. You can even fit this phone inside the coin pocket of your denims. The phone's size hasn't deterred the company from packing the good stuff inside the device.

collected by :Andro Alex

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