cnet :Is Google's Pixel a historic Android moment? Time will tell

Is Google's Pixel a historic Android moment? Time will tell

Is Google's Pixel a historic Android moment? Time will tell
Close DragIt can be difficult to tell when you're standing in the midst of a landmark moment in history.Few guessed, for instance, that in 2008 when Google debuted the G1, the first phone to run Android, the mobile software would end up transforming the wireless world.It didn't help that when Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin went up on stage, they did so wearing roller blades.

Google Pixel Event: Android Maker Readies New Phones, Gadgets Featuring Its Software

Google Pixel Event: Android Maker Readies New Phones, Gadgets Featuring Its Software
Google may be getting serious about selling its own hardware gadgets.On Tuesday, the search giant will ramp up its consumer electronics strategy with expected announcements of new gadgets including new smartphones and an Internet-connected personal-assistant for the home similar to Amazon's Echo speaker.All are intended to showcase Google's software and online services.

Google's new Pixel phones come with Android 7.1 Nougat

Google's new Pixel phones come with Android 7.1 Nougat
Google has announced Android 7.1 Nougat, which adds a number of features to Android 7.0 that launched earlier this year.Android 7.1 brings new features to all devices, but it also includes a number of special things that are exclusive to Google's new lineup of Pixel phones.The Pixel phones will have Google's new launcher, Google Assistant, a phone and chat tech support service, unlimited, original-quality backup for photo and video to Google Photos, and a new Smart Storage feature that automatically removes backed up photos and video when the phone's storage is full.

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