droid-life :Some Cards in Your Android Pay Account May Stop Working on October 14

Some Cards in Your Android Pay Account May Stop Working on October 14

Some Cards in Your Android Pay Account May Stop Working on October 14
When Android Pay first arrived, Google allowed users of Google Wallet the chance to migrate their already-working debit and credit cards that had been set up for tap & pay to come over to the new service.That offer was a temporary one, clearly, because Google has announced via Android Pay support that those old grandfathered cards will be cut off on October 14, 2016 if they aren't one of their official participating banks.On October 14, if your old cards are not supported, they will simply stop working when you try and make mobile payments.

Android Pay Will Drop Support For Some Cards This Month

Android Pay Will Drop Support For Some Cards This Month
Android Pay Will Drop Support For Some Cards This MonthMobile payment solutions have gotten off to a bit of a slow start, but over the years they have gradually begun to gain some popularity.The way they typically work is by using a mobile device to beam payment information into a credit card terminal at the point of sale (usually via Near-Field Communication aka NFC).Google Wallet was one of the first widely available mobile payment options but was slowed down by obstacles such as having their app blocked by carriers trying to push their own competing products.

Alert: some cards losing Android Pay support October 14th

Alert: some cards losing Android Pay support October 14th
When the service was brand new, Android Pay grandfathered in a bevvy of cards that were supported on Google Wallet.Now it seems that that grandfathered period is coming to a close, as Google has announced that unsupported cards will cease working on the platform come October 14, 2016.This is actually a pretty important thing to take note of if you use Android Pay on the regular, especially due to how Google is rolling out the change.

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