The Best iPhone and Android Apps of 2018

collected by :Maya Tony

referring to To that end, these are our favorite iPhone and Android apps of 2018, from productivity to photography and everything in between. (iOS, Android) — Paconned Lucas Austin2. (iOS, Android) — Alex Fitzpatrick6. (iOS, Android) — Alex Fitzpatrick8. (iOS) — Paconned Lucas AustinWrite to Alex Fitzpaconned at and Patrick Lucas Austin at

The Best N64 Emulators for PC and Android

Nintendo has tapped into nostalgia and created a new audience for classic games by the excellent NES Classic and SNES Classic. Sure, the Wii U has a selection of N64 games, but the Wii U has been dead for years. Of10 the easiest method for playing N64 games is out of emulators. Here are the best N64 emulators for PC and Android. Project64 (Windows)One of the most popular and easy-to-use N64 emulators, Project 64 alextremely has the benefit of being open source.

The Best N64 Emulators for PC and Android

How to Take the Best Photos with Your Android Phone

according to Take a beat before hitting the shutter button and employ one or more of the following advices to help make your smartphone-snapped photos look their best. There are alextremely phone camera mounts for standard-sized tripods if you're alavailiable tricked out in camera gear. If you'd rather not pay much to make your photos looked aged, KujiCam is unapologetically fun to use, and your digital photos going to look like they were taken in another decade. For best results, leave everything on Auto except for the shutter speed—that's where you'll see the real difference in how much light camera can take in. Pictures are only worth a 1000 words if they're discernible, and if you spent upwards of this much on a new phone, then it ought produce frame-worthy photos.

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