Popular Android apps sending user data to Facebook without user consent, likely illegally

collected by :Maya Tony

as declared in A research of 34 of the most popular Android apps found that at least 20 of them are sending consumer data to Facebook without consent. Update: Skyscanner advises that it has updated the app extremely that it no longer shares data via the Facebook SDK. There is a particular danger to privacy the time data is gathered from multiple apps, says the report. In addition to the data being available to Facebook, any data collection runs the danger that it could be vulnerable to hackers. Facebook admitted back in October that hackers had been able to access data from 30 million users of the social network.

5 most controversial Android apps and games from 2018!

Here are the five most controversial Android apps and games from 2018! 10 most controversial apps, games, and Google Play decisions of 2017! 9 most controversial apps and games from 2016Ad fraud served 2 waysGoogle Play had not one, but 2 big ad fraud problems in 2018. Check out even older controversial Android apps! The 10 most controversial Android apps of 2014If we missed any controversial Android apps and games, say us about them in the comments!

5 most controversial Android apps and games from 2018!

Android Auto v3.9 improves visibility for currently selected apps [APK Download]

as declared in Switching audio or navigation providers in Android Auto is easy enough, you just open the mode you need and then tap the icon again to open a list of apps. And if it was not the app was not in the first page (sorted alphabetically), it might not even be visible without scrolling. Previously, you would have to rely solely on the barely perceptible difference in background colors to identify the active app. I mean, now that Google Podcasts is on the list, all it's doing is pushing another app I actually use onto the 2nd page. Rather than wait for Google to push this download to your devices, that can take days, download and install it just like any other APK.

Two Android apps used in combat by US troops contained severe vulnerabilities

Image: DARPAAmerica military troops used 2 Android apps that contained severe vulnerabilireleation in live combat scenarios, a Navy Inspector General report detect today. The 2 apps are named KILSWITCH (Kinetic Integrated Low-Cost Programming Integrated Tactical Combat Handheld) and APASS (Android Precision Assault Strike Suite). But according to a Navy Inspector General report from March that was made public today, both apps contained vulnerabilireleation that could have allowed enemy forces access to troops' information. The Navy Inspector General said the Navy failed to advise troops about the nature of these 2 apps. The Navy Inspector General credits a whistleblower's persistent efforts for surfacing these two vulnerabilities.

Two Android apps used in combat by US troops contained severe vulnerabilities

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