Android WARNING: Google Play Store apps loaded with SNEAKY strain of malware

collected by :Maya Tony

as declared in Android users are being warned about a sneaky strain of malware found on Google Play Store apps. And now Android fans are once again being put on alert, this time about a strain of malware being spread via the Google Play Store. The Anubis malware was loaded onto 2 Google Play Store apps that were downloaded thousands of times. These apps were labelled as helpful equipment on the Google Play Store, by the programmes named Currency Converter and BatterySaverMobi. Android has ever removed the offending apps from the Play StoreThe malicious Android apps look to have been given fake Google Play Store reviews too

Google details upcoming 64-bit requirement for Android apps on the Play Store

In late 2017, Google began alerting Android app developers about a 64-bit backing demandant for the Play Store. Android has supported 64-bit CPUs ever 5.0 Lollipop, and the Play Store in 2017 announced that apps using native code must provide a 64-bit version in light of future chips that only backing 64-bit code. In August 2019, the Play Console going to require that all new apps and updates that include native code provide 64-bit versions. This demandant means that apps by 32-bit native code going to need to have an additional 64-bit version as well. There are multi exceptions, by APKs or app bundles explicitly targeting Wear OS or Android television excluded due to devices not yet backing 64-bit code.

Google details upcoming 64-bit requirement for Android apps on the Play Store

Google Maps will now display speed limits for its Android and iOS apps

as declared in For the last couple of years, my wife and I have relied on an ancient Garmin GPS for long road trips, in part because it had a useful feature that Google Maps lacked: speed limits. We might end up switching soon, because Google has begun rolling out the feature to Google Maps on iOS and Android devices. The new feature, spotted by Android Police (via Mashable), displays the posted speed limit on roads in the corner of the app, and alextremely introduces an icon to denote the location of speed cameras. Mashable reports that drivers going to get an audio notification the time they're approaching a speed trap. I'll certainly be Analyzing it out on my next road trip.

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