businessinsider :Verizon's Google Pixel model may not get fast Android updates

Verizon's Google Pixel model may not get fast Android updates

Verizon's Google Pixel model may not get fast Android updates
Google took the wraps off its new Pixel phones on Tuesday, and while the company touted its digital assistant and souped-up cameras as big name features, their biggest selling point might be that they're actually available through a major mobile carrier.Though they'll only be sold through one carrier, Verizon, that's still a step up from last year's Nexus devices, which could not be bought through any service provider.But be warned: Just because you can buy the Pixel through Verizon doesn't necessarily mean you should.

Google Pixel Upends the Android Universe

Google Pixel Upends the Android Universe
By the time Google announced its pair of Pixel smartphones on Tuesday, the devices had already been leaked all to pieces.Shape, size, specs; even color variants were laid bare by clumsy carriers.In fact, just about the only thing left unknown about the Pixels is what they'll do to the already splintered Android ecosystem.

EC grants Google yet more time to respond to Android antitrust charges

EC grants Google yet more time to respond to Android antitrust charges
GOOGLE HAS UNTIL the end of October to respond to the EU's antitrust charges related to the Android operating system after the European Commission (EC) granted the firm yet another bloody extension.We've been here before.Three times before, in fact.

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