androidpolice :You can pin apps in Android 7.0 Nougat's share menu

You can pin apps in Android 7.0 Nougat's share menu

You can pin apps in Android 7.0 Nougat's share menu
It's been a while since we covered specific features of Android 7.0, and it turns out there are a few new-to-Nougat features that people are forgetting about.One of those features is the ability to pin apps in the share menu; even the big boss Artem forgot about this one.If you share things frequently and only use a few options, this could come in handy.

Hottest Android apps in September

Hottest Android apps in September
Close DragEveryone is always looking for awesome apps for their phone or tablet.We talked to Google to find out what Android apps are trending in the Google Play store.It turns out that every trending app also has an iOS equivalent, so iPhone users might find new apps, too.

400 Android apps hiding DressCode malware on Google Play Store

400 Android apps hiding DressCode malware on Google Play Store
More than 3,000 malicious apps found overall.More than 400 Android applications available for download on Google Play Store are distributing the DressCode trojan.The malware originally made news back in late-August, when Check Point's research team found 40 instances of DressCode in the official Google Play Android app store, and a further 400 overall.

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