LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens/Aj Dellinger

LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens

LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens
LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens
If there is one thing no one will ever accuse the LG V20 of being, it's boring.The field of Android phones is crowded with near identical devices, so LG has thrown every quirk imaginable into its newest handset to see what might stick.Perhaps the most noticeable oddity about the V20 is its dual screen setup.

BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning

BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning
BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning

Samsung Galaxy Folder 2 Android Flip Phone With 8-Megapixel Camera Goes Official

Samsung Galaxy Folder 2 Android Flip Phone With 8-Megapixel Camera Goes Official
Samsung Galaxy Folder 2 Android Flip Phone With 8-Megapixel Camera Goes Official
Samsung has just made the Galaxy Folder 2 official by listing it on its website.The smartphone, as the name suggests, is a flip phone, and it runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow.So far, the Galaxy Folder 2 has only been listed on its China website, where it is expected to go on sale first.

Samsung Patent Showcases Hybrid Smartphone Running Android And Windows Phone Simultaneously

Samsung Patent Showcases Hybrid Smartphone Running Android And Windows Phone Simultaneously
Samsung Patent Showcases Hybrid Smartphone Running Android And Windows Phone Simultaneously
There's probably isn't a huge crowd of smartphone shoppers fretting over the decision to go with Android or Windows Phone , but for those pondering the two platforms, Samsung may one day make the choice easy—go with both!That's the idea behind a patent application Samsung filed in South Korea, one that describes a phone running both OSes at the same time.Samsung's approach is different than that of a dual-booting solution.What Samsung conceived is a much slicker solution in which switching between Windows Phone and Android would be similar to bouncing around different open apps like you can already do in Samsung's Multi Window feature for its Galaxy handsets.According to the patent filing, Android and Windows Phone would occupy two separate windows.

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