LG Unveils the First Phone to Ship With Google's New Android/Abc News

LG Unveils the First Phone to Ship With Google's New Android

LG Unveils the First Phone to Ship With Google's New Android
LG Unveils the First Phone to Ship With Google's New Android
LG is unveiling the first phone to ship with Google's new Android Nougat software, in hopes of appealing to people who like to take and share photos and video.The new V20 phone comes on the eve of a San Francisco event where Apple is expected to launch new iPhones.Nougat is already available as a free upgrade on some Google phones under the Nexus brand.

Rogue Android App Can Be Used to Reveal Phone Owner's Real Identity

Rogue Android App Can Be Used to Reveal Phone Owner's Real Identity
Rogue Android App Can Be Used to Reveal Phone Owner's Real Identity
Belgian security researcher Arne Swinnen has helped Google fix a security issue in Android 7 that in the previous OS versions allowed attackers to infer enough data about the device and its apps to determine the device's real owner.Swinnen, a known and prodigious contributor to Facebook's bug bounty programs, discovered a problem with the file and folder permissions system used to limit access to sensitive data stored inside app folders on Android devices.The researcher says that an attacker (represented by a rogue app installed on the device) could use Android commands to change their app's currently working directory to another app's folder.

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