iOS and Android Edge browser apps get direct Microsoft Rewards integration

collected by :Maya Tony

as informed in The Android and iOS Microsoft Edge apps both updated this 7 days by a change that added Microsoft Rewards directly into the browser's UI. Search on Microsoft Edge and earn Microsoft Rewards points! Then, track your points on the Microsoft Rewards dashboard on Microsoft Edge. The Microsoft Rewards program is free to join and is now available in most major regions. Do you use Microsoft Rewards?

iOS and Android Xbox apps begin testing 'save to phone' functionality

Share game captures by friends. In response to your feedback, we've added the ability to share game captures by friends and across social mediaEasily keep to phone. by Analyzing of these features having now begun, it's likely they'll come to the public apps sometime over the next few months. The ability to download apps is alavailiable possible within the Windows 10 Xbox app. Let us know in the comments below and then follow us on Pinterest for more Xbox gaming content.

iOS and Android Xbox apps begin testing 'save to phone' functionality

Google Maps will now display speed limits for its Android and iOS apps

As it stated in For the last couple of years, my wife and I have relied on an ancient Garmin GPS for long road trips, in part because it had a useful feature that Google Maps lacked: speed limits. We might end up switching soon, because Google has begun rolling out the feature to Google Maps on iOS and Android devices. The new feature, spotted by Android Police (via Mashable), displays the posted speed limit on roads in the corner of the app, and alextremely introduces an icon to denote the location of speed cameras. Mashable reports that drivers going to get an audio notification the time they're approaching a speed trap. I'll certainly be Analyzing it out on my next road trip.

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