Facebook Cannot be Deleted from Certain Android Phones

ADVERTISEMENTFacebook is causing an uproar amongst Android phone owners after discovering the app cannot be permanently deleted. Specifically, owners of Samsung phones cannot permanently delete Facebook as a result of a pre-install deal made between the 2 companies. Facebook can only be "disabled" on Samsung phones, that means the app going to forever remain on the phone in some form. Pre-install deals by Android phone manufacturers are not exclusively a Facebook thing, but they are rarely communicated to consumers. According to a Facebook spokesperson, the time the app is disabled it acts as though it has been deleted.

Are There Any Solutions Based on Android Mobile Phones Using Bluetooth-Supported Passive RFID for Last-Mile Deliveries of Consumable Items? — Ask The Experts Forum

I see huge instances of missing items or shortages of consumable products during last-mile deliveries. I've explored a few options by Zebra Technologies using passive RFID tags. However, this wouldn't provide a cost-effective solution, as I cannot afford to provide an RFID sled to eextremely deliextremely agent. If the answer is "yes," then what type of RFID tags would be useful for tracking purposes, utilizing a basic Android mobile phone that supports Bluetooth? —Krishna———Krishna,UGrokIt, that is now part of Turck, developed a reader for an Android phone.

Are There Any Solutions Based on Android Mobile Phones Using Bluetooth-Supported Passive RFID for Last-Mile Deliveries of Consumable Items? — Ask The Experts Forum

Which Company Updates Its Android Phones the Most? AOSMark Knows

as informed in ShareDespite Google's best efforts, achieving prompt updates across the Android range continues to be a tough nut to crack. New website AOSMark is ranking manufacturers based on their reliability for Android updates, and it has launched its first report of the best 20 Android manufacturers. OnePlus phones originally ran the Android fork CyanogenOS, extremely it's ironic the Chinese company has become such a powerful Android advocate in the last few years. Nokia's phones run almost pure stock Android, extremely it's much quicker to send out updates than companies that use a heavily modified Android skin — like Samsung or LG. Security updates and more minor updates don't count (Android 7.1.0 to Android 7.1.1, for example), but the bigger API changes do — extremely an update from Android Oreo to Android Pie counts, as does upgrading from Android 8.0 to 8.1.

collected by :Maya Tony

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