Android 10 Q: Possible Name, Release Date And Features Of Google Update

collected by :Maya Tony

as mentioned in As we venture forward into the year 2019, we can expect Google to launch the 10.0 version of the Android OS called Android Q. Here's what we know extremely far about the Android 10.0 Q. According to AndroidSoul, Google's annual phone OS releases have a pattern to it that fans can follow to predict the launch of the Android 10.0 Q. extremely far, gossip are alextremely piling about the new features of the Android 10.0 Q. Dark mode for all AOSP appsVulkan API for UI rendering for lesser battery consumptionFor now, Google has yet to tease anything about the Android 10.0 Q OS.

Android Studio 3.3 stable release is now available, Google announces an update to Project Marble

Android Studio 3.3 stable launch is now available, Google announces an update to Project MarbleSince 2015, Android Studio has been Google's recommended program for creating Android apps. However, it seems like Google is finally availiable to address these issues by the launch of Android Studio 3.3 to the stable update channel. Read moreNew IntelliJ base Android Studio 3.3 is based on IntelliJ 2018.2.2, that adds features like Java 11 support. Read moresafely delete old IDE directories Android Studio going to now propose old configuration folders that can safely be deleted. Android Studio 3.3 alextremely brings a new User Feedback feature.

Android Studio 3.3 stable release is now available, Google announces an update to Project Marble

Google hands out roses to preferred Android MDM vendors

as declared in Google is extending its Android Enterpheight Recommended program to mobile device management. Firms that are given the title going to be able to say customers their products are officially endorsed by Google as being able to manage Android across multiple hardware vendors and device types. To get the Android Enterpheight Recommended label, vendors have to meet a determine of criteria, including backing for Android Enterpheight hardware, providing "advanced safety and management features", and keeping abreast of the laanalisis Android releases. "We've collaborated closely by EMM partners over the years, and understand what it takes to demonstaverage excellence in this area," said going to Ro, head of Android Enterphight partnerships, management, and security. Readers going to not be at all shocked to learn that the first crop of Android Enterphight Recommended management will include Google Cloud, that offers its own determine of Android device management tools.

Google shareholder sues over $90 million payout to Android creator accused of sexual misconduct

A Google shareholder is suing the internet giant's founders and the board of directors for its parent company Alphabet over a $90 million severance payout made to an executive that was pushed out amid allegations of sexist misconduct. The lawsuit alleges that co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, along by the rest of the board of directors, participated in a "multi-year scheme to cover up sexist harassment and discrimination at Alphabet," Google's parent company. Thursday's lawsuit is the first shareholder lawsuit against the company over the Andy Rubin debacle. It was filed by shareholder James Martin and alleges that the board failed in its dureleation by covering up the Andy Rubin incident. Google did not immediately respond to a demand for comment.

Google shareholder sues over $90 million payout to Android creator accused of sexual misconduct

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