Two Android apps used in combat by US troops contained severe vulnerabilities

collected by :Maya Tony

according to Image: DARPAAmerica military troops used 2 Android apps that contained severe vulnerabilireleation in live combat scenarios, a Navy Inspector General report detect today. The 2 apps are named KILSWITCH (Kinetic Integrated Low-Cost Programming Integrated Tactical Combat Handheld) and APASS (Android Precision Assault Strike Suite). But according to a Navy Inspector General report from March that was made public today, both apps contained vulnerabilireleation that could have allowed enemy forces access to troops' information. The Navy Inspector General said the Navy failed to advise troops about the nature of these 2 apps. The Navy Inspector General credits a whistleblower's persistent efforts for surfacing these two vulnerabilities.

These Android apps are killing your battery life and need to be deleted now

For all of the great Android apps around, there are continue plenty of questionable ones lurking in the background of the Google Play Store. Now, a new report has detect 22 malware-ridden downloads that ought be avoided at all costs, as they stand to drain your Android phone's battery life. The safety experts at Sophos have published a report in that they detect a new strain of Android malware dubbed 'Andr/Clickr-ad'. What users going to notice, however, is that their Android phone's battery life drains rapidly as a result of the malware running and clicking ads constantly. Here's the list of the 22 Android apps which are up to no good.

These Android apps are killing your battery life and need to be deleted now

Android apps used by troops in combat contained vulnerabilities

referring to The apps were announcly only meant for training exercises, extremely the developers were lax by safety practices. Because of the slick interface and features, the apps became popular by America troops and allied forces and started to be used in live combat situations. The Navy Inspector General determined most military branches failed to properly inform troops about the apps, that resulted in them being used in inappropriate settings. Anthony Kim, a civilian program analyst for the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), first raised concerns about the apps in March 2017. Kim was scolded, had his pay reduced, placed on leave and eventually had his pay suspended and safety clearance revoked.

It's almost end of 2018, so do you still need antivirus apps on your Android phone? No

Do you use an anti-virus app on your Android phone? But it's 2018, the state of Android safety by default is much better now, extremely do you really need an anti-virus app on your phone. So, you do need to use anti-virus app on your Android phone? Anti-virus apps on an Android phone going to not help you capture virus, trojan or malicious apps. In fact, there is evidence that anti-virus apps on Android are not only needless but actually harm the phone.

It's almost end of 2018, so do you still need antivirus apps on your Android phone? No

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