as informed in DxOMark has finally published its description of the Google Pixel 3, giving it an overall score of 101, that breaks down into a 103 for photo and 98 for video. This puts the Pixel 3 at a shared fifth spot in the rankings alongside the Apple iPhone XR. Where DxO found the Pixel 3 most improved over its predecessor is in Bokeh and Zoom, the latter being the biggest improvement, by far. The Pixel 3 "trounces other single camera phones". Finally, DxO ranks the Google Pixel 3 as the best single camera Android phone and a match for Apple's iPhone XR.
Google Pixel 3 is the top-ranked single-lens Android on DxOMark
collected by :Maya Tony
as informed in DxOMark has finally published its description of the Google Pixel 3, giving it an overall score of 101, that breaks down into a 103 for photo and 98 for video. This puts the Pixel 3 at a shared fifth spot in the rankings alongside the Apple iPhone XR. Where DxO found the Pixel 3 most improved over its predecessor is in Bokeh and Zoom, the latter being the biggest improvement, by far. The Pixel 3 "trounces other single camera phones". Finally, DxO ranks the Google Pixel 3 as the best single camera Android phone and a match for Apple's iPhone XR.
as informed in DxOMark has finally published its description of the Google Pixel 3, giving it an overall score of 101, that breaks down into a 103 for photo and 98 for video. This puts the Pixel 3 at a shared fifth spot in the rankings alongside the Apple iPhone XR. Where DxO found the Pixel 3 most improved over its predecessor is in Bokeh and Zoom, the latter being the biggest improvement, by far. The Pixel 3 "trounces other single camera phones". Finally, DxO ranks the Google Pixel 3 as the best single camera Android phone and a match for Apple's iPhone XR.
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