Google releases Oboe, a C++ library to build high-performance Android audio apps

collected by :Maya Tony

referring to How Oboe worksThe communication between apps and Oboe happens by reading and writing data to streams. This library facilitates the movement of audio data between your app and the audio inputs and outputs on your Android device. Audio formatThis the format of the audio data in the stream. With Oboe you can create an audio stream in just 3 lines of code whereas, the time using OpenSL ES the same thing requires 50+ lines. : As Oboe is supplied as a source library, bug fixes can be rolled out in few days as opposed to the Android platform launch cycle.

GPlayed Trojan Masquerades as Google Play to Attack Android Devices: Cisco Talos

investigators have identified a new Android Trojan, dubbed as 'GPlayed', that comes by multi built-in capabilities. It has been found to be resembling a popular Google service on infected Android devices - the Google Play store. GPlayed is said to be a full-fledged Trojan by capabilireleation ranging from those of "a banking Trojan to a full spying Trojan." The GPlayed Trojan is highly evolved in its design, says Vitor Ventura, the author of the blog post. "Our analysis indicates that this Trojan is in its Analyzing phase but given its potential, eextremely mobile consumer ought be aware of GPlayed.

GPlayed Trojan Masquerades as Google Play to Attack Android Devices: Cisco Talos

Android WARNING: Google smartphone fans alerted about DOZENS of fake apps

as mentioned in Android phone fans are being warned to stay amethod from dozens of fake apps that can be downloaded from a number of popular digital marketplaces. But following that Google Play Store menace last year safety experts are now warning Android users about the danger posed by dozens of fake apps once again. By doing this these fake Android apps could alextremely read information about users' contacts and alextremely secretly make phone calls. The news comes after recently announced on another Android malware threat, this time spread via the Google Play Store. The fake Fortnite-linked apps were discovered following the Fortnite Android launch

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