Pete Lau, founder and CEO of OnePlus, has detect that the new Android 9.0 Pie update for the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 3 series devices going to take some time to roll out. In response to a user's question on Weibo, Pete Lau said assured that the OnePlus 5 series and OnePlus 3 series going to be upgraded to Android P, as it has been said before. Further, Pete Lau alextremely said that the upcoming OnePlus 6T going to come pre-installed by the laanalisis Android 9.0 Pie operating system, along by the company's own custom consumer interface OxygenOS on top. The company recently updated its most recent phone — OnePlus 6 — by the Android Pie update. For the OnePlus 5, OP5T, OP3, and OP3T's Android Pie update, we are expecting similar features, along with an improved Do Not Disturb feature, Game Mode 3.0, and the laanalisis Android safety patch.
Android Pie update for OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 3 series will take some time: Pete Lau
collected by :Maya Tony
Pete Lau, founder and CEO of OnePlus, has detect that the new Android 9.0 Pie update for the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 3 series devices going to take some time to roll out. In response to a user's question on Weibo, Pete Lau said assured that the OnePlus 5 series and OnePlus 3 series going to be upgraded to Android P, as it has been said before. Further, Pete Lau alextremely said that the upcoming OnePlus 6T going to come pre-installed by the laanalisis Android 9.0 Pie operating system, along by the company's own custom consumer interface OxygenOS on top. The company recently updated its most recent phone — OnePlus 6 — by the Android Pie update. For the OnePlus 5, OP5T, OP3, and OP3T's Android Pie update, we are expecting similar features, along with an improved Do Not Disturb feature, Game Mode 3.0, and the laanalisis Android safety patch.
Pete Lau, founder and CEO of OnePlus, has detect that the new Android 9.0 Pie update for the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 3 series devices going to take some time to roll out. In response to a user's question on Weibo, Pete Lau said assured that the OnePlus 5 series and OnePlus 3 series going to be upgraded to Android P, as it has been said before. Further, Pete Lau alextremely said that the upcoming OnePlus 6T going to come pre-installed by the laanalisis Android 9.0 Pie operating system, along by the company's own custom consumer interface OxygenOS on top. The company recently updated its most recent phone — OnePlus 6 — by the Android Pie update. For the OnePlus 5, OP5T, OP3, and OP3T's Android Pie update, we are expecting similar features, along with an improved Do Not Disturb feature, Game Mode 3.0, and the laanalisis Android safety patch.
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