as mentioned in When Apple launched the iPhone X in September 2017, people spoke about 2 things: Face ID and the "notch" display design. The Face ID system was mocked by some, particularly because the device did not have a fingerprint sensor. Many were quick to call the notch design hideous and outright dumb, by big publications like The Verge describing it as "an odd design choice". Fast forward a year, and there is a long list of Android smartphones makers that have copied the notch design and incorporated it into their new devices. Samsung Galaxy S9Samsung Galaxy Note 9
All the major Android smartphones that have copied the iPhone X “notch”
collected by :Maya Tony
as mentioned in When Apple launched the iPhone X in September 2017, people spoke about 2 things: Face ID and the "notch" display design. The Face ID system was mocked by some, particularly because the device did not have a fingerprint sensor. Many were quick to call the notch design hideous and outright dumb, by big publications like The Verge describing it as "an odd design choice". Fast forward a year, and there is a long list of Android smartphones makers that have copied the notch design and incorporated it into their new devices. Samsung Galaxy S9Samsung Galaxy Note 9
as mentioned in When Apple launched the iPhone X in September 2017, people spoke about 2 things: Face ID and the "notch" display design. The Face ID system was mocked by some, particularly because the device did not have a fingerprint sensor. Many were quick to call the notch design hideous and outright dumb, by big publications like The Verge describing it as "an odd design choice". Fast forward a year, and there is a long list of Android smartphones makers that have copied the notch design and incorporated it into their new devices. Samsung Galaxy S9Samsung Galaxy Note 9
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