Students’ Queen’s To Go app hits top 5 trending on Android

collected by :Maya Tony

as declared in After student app Queen's to Go's Sept. 11 release, campAmerica resources have never been more portable. "The application is meant to be a easy go-to Queen's app including everything you need in one place," co-creator Shreyansh Anad said in an interview. According to its creators, the new app going to include a map that syncs to SOLAmerica to a consumer to the class's location. Anad explained the only time wi-fi is required to use the app is the time syncing to a SOLAmerica account. The Queen's To Go app is available for download on Android devices.

Your Phone Companion app for Android will sync photos, messages to Windows 10

Few people heard about "Microsoft Apps" app for Android that was launched a When ago. The app is now more than a easy hub as it now allows users to sync photos and messages across the Windows 10 devices. In the launch note of Windows 10 Build 18237, Microsoft announced that they rebranding Microsoft Apps to Your Phone Companion app. Keep in mind that the Your Phone Companion app basically lets you sync your photos and messages to Windows 10 PC. If you're interested, you can read our guide and sync photos and messages across your Windows 10 and Android devices by the Your Phone app.

Your Phone Companion app for Android will sync photos, messages to Windows 10

New app actually lets you use iMessage on Android phones

referring to weMessage is an app that allows you to use iMessage on your Android phones or tablets. The weServer acts as a "bridge" between the Mac computer and your Android device. The weServer is a messaging server that processes and relays iMessages to and from the Android device. The reason causes of an Apple computer is needed is because the iMessages need to be sent out of an Apple device in order to be delivered. Using an app running on a Mac computer as a server that relays messages to the Android device is a extremely Intelligent method to make iMessage work on Android, where it is not technically supported.

Google's video chat app comes to iPads and Android tablets

Google's video chat app, Duo, has finally made its method to tablets. With its laanalisis update, the app is able to work on both iPads and Android tablets. It's a nice addition, especially ever people tend to video chat at home where tablets are around and a larger monitor is appreciated. It's been 2 years ever the launch of Duo, and not much has changed for Google on the video chat front. It's getting better: Duo is preinstalled and integrated into the dialer app on some Android phones, but it's far from being as seamless as FaceTime.

Google's video chat app comes to iPads and Android tablets

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