Google rules on Android notches: Two are OK but we're banning any more than that

Google caps notches on Android P at one at the highest and bottom, but bans them on the sides. In the name of edge-to-edge screens, Google has acquiesced by the iPhone X-determine trend for notches, that have alavailiable turned up on about 16 Android phones. But although it's accepted the notch, it's now determine ground rules for Android P to prevent bad experiences for users. Google currently counts 16 Android phones by cutouts from 11 manufacturers, including ones in the Android P beta program, such as the OnePlus 6, and says more are coming. Even though some Android Oreo devices have cutouts already, Android P is the first time Google's officially supported the feature.

Android predictive text keeps suggesting 'sit on my face,' and Google is fixing it

Google has promised to shighest its Android phones from suggesting "my face" the time its users text "sit on." Are you free to sit" and Android's predictive text came up by "on my face." According to Google, Gboard uses a "general language model" for all of its users, but it alextremely employs a personalized algorithm to propose phrases based on the users' texting history. You can remove certain phrases from proposals by tapping on the word and dragging it to the trash. Even though Doctorow said he's never typed out "sit on my face before," Google's algorithm could propose otherwise.

Android predictive text keeps suggesting 'sit on my face,' and Google is fixing it

Google releases final beta preview of Android P before launch

as informed in Google releases final beta pdescription of Android P before launchGoogle is rolling out the final pdescription version of Android P this day ahead of its public launch sometime next month. Android VP Dave Burke notes that this beta 4 (developer pdescription 5) build includes "final system behaviors." extremely Google's new gesture-based navigation for Android P ought be locked in and finalized as of this release. As just one, Google has removed the microphone icon from the search bar at the bottom of the Android P home screen. Android P contains a number of visual and functional changes across the operating system. And no, we continue don't know Android P's final name.

Google releases 'near-final' Android P beta

Google releases 'near-final' Android P betaGoogle has launched the 3rd beta of Android P, that is supposed to be a "near-final" look at the OS before it's completed later this summer. Related How to install the Android P beta todayAnd When it's generally not a great idea to analisis beta operating systems on your main device, if you've been thinking about it, this is the time it ought begain to be a safer bet. That said, Google continue has a month or 2 to go before final release, extremely there's likely continue improvements to come. One thing we'll be looking for in the new beta: whether Android's digital wellbeing features have arrived. If you need to install Android P, you can follow our instructions from May, the time the first beta came out.

Google releases 'near-final' Android P beta

Google is working on software that could eventually replace Android

Google is alavailiable working on an operating system that may replace Android in the next five years. Engineers currently working the project are said to be working towards getting Fuchsia running on voice-controlled speakers "within 3 years, then move on to larger machines such as laptops." Furthermore, Google's vice pinhabitant of design Matias Duarte is announcly only working on Fuchsia part-time. The fact that Google is working on Fuchsia shouldn't surpheight anyone. The future waits for no one and if any OS is going to replace Android, it's better that it comes from Google themselves.

collected by :Maya Tony

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