Android coding glitch caused that UIDAI number to pop up in your phone book

collected by :Maya Tony

as informed in Android coding glitch caused that UIDAI number to pop up in your phone bookNeha Alawadhi Moneycontrol NewsHours after Twiterrati and netizens raised their concerns over the UIDAI helpline number popping up in their phone's contact list, Google on Friday night issued a statement saying that it occurred due to coding error on Android. A Google spokesperson said: "Our internal description has detect that in 2014, the then UIDAI helpline number and the 112 distress helpline number were inadvertently coded into the SetUp wizard of the Android launch given to OEMs for use in India and has remained there since. ever the numbers get listed on a user's contact list these get transferred accordingly to the contacts on any new device. This may have been caused by transferring phone numbers from a previous android device to iOS. Responding to the media on the subject earlier in the day, UIDAI said it has not asked telecom operators to keep toll number on phones.

Samsung Android Go phone firmware is now available online

Samsung's Android Go phone looks to be extremely close to an official release. Firmware for the upcoming device, that going to launch as the Galaxy J2 Core, is now available in our database. Samsung's Android Go debut is closeThe Galaxy J2 Core has picked up quite a few necessary certifications (including the FCC's) in the last few weeks. Whether the Android Go phone makes an official appearance somewhere in between or after the Note 9 has been unveiled remains to be seen. It's possible the Galaxy J2 Core going to first be launched in markets like India and neighboring markets, as the firmware has come out for the SM-J260G.

Samsung Android Go phone firmware is now available online

Wild rumor of the day: Microsoft is making its own Android phone

as mentioned in The iPhone and Android duopoly pushed Windows Phones out the door, and Microsoft had to call it quits a few years after purchasing Nokia's mobile division. More recently, we've heard that Microsoft is working on a new kind of Windows 10 device, that mythical Surface Phone that Microsoft never made. But forget that for a second, as a crazier rumor just arrived: Microsoft is supposedly making its own Android handset. that said, by a Surface Phone in development, causes of would Microsoft even consider making an Android handdetermine in the first place? But the person alextremely said that Microsoft is working on its own Android handset, which going to be powered by Android and purveyed under its own brand.

The most interesting Android phone of the year just got a lot closer to release

The phone was announced this time last year, but a series of delays by the device's signature holographic display have seen the launch date slip. Given that we've seen the phone multiple times before in hands-on videos from other sites, the FCC filing doesn't detect anything new about the phone; instead, it's the hint at a launch date that's important here. FCC certification normally comes a month before the general release, and that seems especially likely in this instance. We've seen camera brands lend their names to phone manufacturers before, but that's not what's going on here. "We have never built a phone," Red founder Jim Jannard said earlier this year.

The most interesting Android phone of the year just got a lot closer to release

Motorola is launching an Android Oreo Go version of its E5 Play phone

Motorola is launching an Android Oreo Go version of its E5 Play phoneMotorola only announced its new Moto E5 Play and E5 PlAmerica in April, but this 7 days the company unveiled a new version of that E5 Play that'll run Android Oreo Go edition. It'll include fewer pre-installed apps, as well as apps that are optimized to run on devices by less storage. This is similar pricing to the E5 Play in the America currently. The E5 Play is continue one of the first Go devices. The E5 includes some more premium features, including a fingerprint sensor and a 5.3-inch display by an 18:9 aspect ratio.

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