Instagram launches a Lite app for low-end Android devices
Instagram launches a Lite app for low-end Android devicesInstagram has launched a lightweigh version of its Android app that ought be easier to install and browse on devices short on storage space and on spotty connections. TechCrunch notes that the new app, that weighs in at just 573KB, is 1/55th the size of the original app at 33MB. Making its apps more easier to download and perform well on low-end devices is key to growing its consumer base around the world. With its new Lite app, it's better poised to draw in more users that haven't ever shared a photo on the web yet. Instagram Lite is now listed on Google Play, but it looks like its availability is limited to choose countries; I couldn't download it on my Android devices here in India.
Attackers targeting World Cup fans with 'Golden Cup' Android app loaded with spyware
referring to investigators have Revealed an emerging cyber menace targeting Android device-owning football supporters just as the 2018 FIFA World Cup reaches its climax. Believed to be part wider spyware campaign targeting members of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) dating back to the begain of 2018, ClearSky safety investigators have discovered a variant aimed at targeting football supporters manifesting as an application named 'Golden Cup'. Days after the IDF publshed a report blaming "Hamas cyber terrorists" for orchestrating a spyware campaign that lured Israeli soldiers into downloading malicious applications, safety investigators have found further samples, manifesting principally as 'Golden Cup', now targeting civilians. The emergence of a World Cup-linked cyber menace is in keeping by malicious actors' tendencies to exploit contemporary or widely-talked about events in the public domain. Norton Antivirus, meanwhile, Symantec's parent company, highlighted one example of a fake beat phishing email, informing users they have beat $1.8 million "In Russia 2018 World Cup Draw", that reached 26,000 users in its first 7 days.collected by :Maya Tony
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