What the Tech: applications on your Android smartphone probably spammy

collected by :Maya Tony

according to These are quite common in both the play store and Apple's application Store. Android device owners should pay attention to fake or malware-infected applications in the Google Play Store. While Google tells it reviews applications before placing them in the Play Store it has run into crises with bad applications several times in the past. The crisis with bad applications isn't exclusive to Android and the Google Play Store. It is alextremely a perfect idea to only install Android applications from the Google Play Store.

Sonim XP8 rugged Android smartphone obtainable on AT&T

The premier time we heard about the brand was back in 2014 when AT&T outed a rugged smartphone–the Sonim XP6. The feature smartphone was designed for tough work environments and was enable to of survive impact, high drops, extreme temperature, and even mud. It was 1 tough smartphone followed with the crowdfunded limited-edition XP7. A few years later, AT&T and Sonim are rolling out a new model in the form of the XP8. The Sonim XP8 is the next-gen rugged Android device which could be considered as 1 of the toughest today.

Sonim XP8 rugged Android phone available on AT&T

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