as informed in You could Utilize the smart close feature to save your smartphone unlock When you are on a walk. You could Utilize the smart close feature to save your smartphone unlocked When it is in the motion. Hence, when you are Utilizing the smart close feature and moving When toting the smartphone, it going to remember unlocked. Here are the steps to Utilize the feature for saving your smartphone unlocked. We would recommend you to Utilize the Smart close feature only when you are surrounded with people whom you could trust.
How to save your Android smartphone unlocked the time walking
collected by :Maya Tony
as informed in You could Utilize the smart close feature to save your smartphone unlock When you are on a walk. You could Utilize the smart close feature to save your smartphone unlocked When it is in the motion. Hence, when you are Utilizing the smart close feature and moving When toting the smartphone, it going to remember unlocked. Here are the steps to Utilize the feature for saving your smartphone unlocked. We would recommend you to Utilize the Smart close feature only when you are surrounded with people whom you could trust.
as informed in You could Utilize the smart close feature to save your smartphone unlock When you are on a walk. You could Utilize the smart close feature to save your smartphone unlocked When it is in the motion. Hence, when you are Utilizing the smart close feature and moving When toting the smartphone, it going to remember unlocked. Here are the steps to Utilize the feature for saving your smartphone unlocked. We would recommend you to Utilize the Smart close feature only when you are surrounded with people whom you could trust.
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