as declared in The Samsung Galaxy smartphone S9 is set to launch following year, with the follow-up to the Galaxy S8 and S8+ Guessed to be announce in February 2018. Both smartphones are tipped to have a dual-curved display, like the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ before them. It's alextremely been rumoured which the Galaxy S9 can have a three-dimensional depth-sensing forehead cam to able facial recognition. All this features tech for the Galaxy S9 and S9+ means which it can be released at a value point higher than the Galaxy S8. The Samsung Galaxy smartphone S8+ smartphone cell smartphone and S8+ released in April 2017 priced respectively at £679 and £779.
Samsung Galaxy S8 v Galaxy S9 - New Android smartphone set to have 1 large advantage
collected by :Maya Tony
as declared in The Samsung Galaxy smartphone S9 is set to launch following year, with the follow-up to the Galaxy S8 and S8+ Guessed to be announce in February 2018. Both smartphones are tipped to have a dual-curved display, like the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ before them. It's alextremely been rumoured which the Galaxy S9 can have a three-dimensional depth-sensing forehead cam to able facial recognition. All this features tech for the Galaxy S9 and S9+ means which it can be released at a value point higher than the Galaxy S8. The Samsung Galaxy smartphone S8+ smartphone cell smartphone and S8+ released in April 2017 priced respectively at £679 and £779.
as declared in The Samsung Galaxy smartphone S9 is set to launch following year, with the follow-up to the Galaxy S8 and S8+ Guessed to be announce in February 2018. Both smartphones are tipped to have a dual-curved display, like the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ before them. It's alextremely been rumoured which the Galaxy S9 can have a three-dimensional depth-sensing forehead cam to able facial recognition. All this features tech for the Galaxy S9 and S9+ means which it can be released at a value point higher than the Galaxy S8. The Samsung Galaxy smartphone S8+ smartphone cell smartphone and S8+ released in April 2017 priced respectively at £679 and £779.
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