Google’s Fast Pair feature starts arriving on non-Pixel Android phones

collected by :Maya Tony

as informed in In the avalanche of break news which was Google's Pixel two event final month, the firm kind of glossed over the Fast Pair feature. And besides, it was far from the coolest thing about the company's new Pixel Buds headphones (that title goes to the Babelfish-esque real-time translation feature). Of course, Fast Pair has 1 key advantage: much greater compatibility. In addition to working across Android manufacturers, Fast Pair is alextremely compatible with bluetooth headphones from a variety of different companies. The choice is still Beautiful limited, with Google working with specific early partners to help develop Fast Pair .

Google detects its Fast Pair tech: No further Android Bluetooth pairing problems?

Google suggests the new process called Fast Pair could pair headphones to a smartphone within seconds. Rather than only Utilize Bluetooth for pairing, Fast Pair Utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for disclosing Bluetooth headphones or speakers and then creates a connection with the smartphone Utilizing classic Bluetooth. Google has been prototyping Fast Pair with Libratone and audio producer Plantronics, which going to soon launch Fast Pair-capable Voyager 8200 series headsets. Fast Pair devices going to work with any Android smartphone running the soon to be released Google Play services 11.7+ and versions of Android back to 6.0 Marshmallow. To Utilize Fast Pair, the device needs to be put in pairing mode and placed near the Android phone.

Google reveals its Fast Pair tech: No more Android Bluetooth pairing problems?

Android Developers Blog: Announcing Fast Pair

as informed in Android scans for BLE broadcasts in lock proximity of the user's smartphone and finds out a Fast Pair packet (provided Bluetooth and Location is turned on). This packet is sent to our servers to get back the device's output image, output name and companion application (if there is one). Posted with Ritesh Nayak M and Ronald Ho, output ManagersToday we're announcing Fast Pair, a hassle-free process to pair your Bluetooth devices on all supported Android devices running Google Play services 11.7+ with compatibility back to Marshmallow (Android 6.0). Fast Pair makes discoextremely & pairing of Bluetooth devices simple and is currently rolling out to Android 6.0+ devices. Fast Pair Utilizes BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) for advertising and discoextremely and Utilizes classic Bluetooth for pairing.

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