Google's Mind-Reading 'Copyless Paste', Coming quickly To Your Android mobile

And Google will start predicting what that text might be when its "Copyless Paste" arrives on android . As VentureBeat's Jordan Novet writes, Google has just flicked the switch inside Chromium, the base for Chrome, that adds the option to turn on Copyless Paste via the browser's internal flags page. Image: Alex Cranz/GizmodoMobile phone user interfaces have come a long way, but the humble copy and paste remains fairly clunky. The feature itself is described as "App Indexing (Copyless Paste)" in Chromium's source code and comes with the following description:"Provide suggestions for text input, based on your recent context. Voice-controlled assistants like Cortana and Siri are bridging the gap, but sometimes, you just want to take text from one app and stick it into another.

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Diagnose Your Car's Check Engine Light Using an Android Phone « Android Hacks

Diagnose Your Car's Check Engine Light Using an Android Phone « Android Hacks
With the right adapter, data from your car's OBD-II port can be transferred to your phone over Bluetooth. In addition to that, it can be hard to find the right OBD-II adapter for your particular phone and vehicle model. Diagnose Your Car's Check Engine Light Using an android Phone Whether you're a professional mechanic, a hobbyist, or someone who just wants to know why their check engine light came on, your Android device and an OBD-II adapter can provide insight as to what's going on with your car. At this point, your OBD-II adapter should appear in the list of nearby Bluetooth devices. If you have any problems connecting, unplug your OBD-II adapter for a few seconds, then try again.

Microsoft seems all too willing to replace Windows Phone with Android

Microsoft seems all too willing to replace Windows Phone with Android
Now we're told Microsoft is selling the Xiaomi Mi 5s complete with Microsoft apps through its Microsoft Stores across China. With its Windows Phone manufacturing dreams shattered, Microsoft probably came to the conclusion it might have future as a android re-seller instead. And with no new Windows Phone handsets coming out, it's hard to image the figures going anywhere but downhill in the upcoming months. Unlike the Galaxy S7, no Microsoft apps come pre-installed on the Galaxy S8 Microsoft Edition. That's because Windows Phone is not doing very well.

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