The Assistant will become available on your phone after you update the Google Play Services. If you're one of the people who haven't been using a Pixel device until now, then you must be happy to hear that the Google Assistant is now available for other devices too. Google Keep is also integrated within the Assistant, so you can talk to the phone and it will jot down a shopping list, for example. Google has taken the step forward and released its AI tool for other smartphones that run Marshmallow (android 6.0) or Nougat (7.0). Truth be told, you could use the Assistant within the Google Allo app, but it came with certain limitations, and maybe you didn't want to use the chat app just for this.
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Google Assistant will be rolling out to android phones on Nougat, Marshmallow. Google rolling out Assistant to other Android phones was expected, even before it was officially announced. Google's 'Actions on Google' API was opened for developers last year, and will let them create create custom commands for Google Assistant. Google Assistant is moving beyond the Pixel smartphones, and it will roll out to non-Pixel devices, starting with the Nexus phones. Now Google Assistant is the smart assistant, which is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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