The bizarre device lets you have an iphone on the front of your phone and an android on the back. It has launched a 'Frankenphone' case that lets you turn your phone into an iPhone-Android hybrid. Stuck in the age-old dilemma of whether to choose an iPhone or an Android? Joseph Sabri, CEO of Esti, said: 'Eye is a revolutionary product that will take your iPhone to the next level. 'Eye will upgrade your iPhone by adding the most-wanted features to your smartphone.'
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This iPhone case is actually an Android phone
Bobbo sums it up nicely:Because people always wanted a android phone as an iphone case! So it's an iPhone case that sports Android? Chris Smith gives us some background:Ever wished you could run Android on your iPhone? Some iPhone enthusiasts have a secret -- they would really also like to have an Android phone. Luckily, Scott Stein has some more information:The Esti Eye is the latest accessory oddity to hit Kickstarter...Really, it's an Android phone.
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