Which Android phone does Donald Trump use?

collected by :Andro Alex

follow the latest progress in Android "mashable" site most famous technicals /Raymond Wong by 2017-02-01 at 5:44

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Former 'I'm a Mac' actor Justin Long is now shilling for an Android phone

Former 'I'm a Mac' actor Justin Long is now shilling for an Android phone
- Huawei, the largest smartphone maker in the China and third largest in the world, is looking to invade the U.S. in a very big, splashy way.The Chinese tech giant has enlisted actor Justin Long, who appeared in Apple's famous "Get a Mac" TV commercials between 2006 to 2009, to star in its new Android smartphone campaign.According to Campaign US, one reason Huawei hired Long was precisely because of his previous work for Apple.

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Which Android phone does Donald Trump use?

Which Android phone does Donald Trump use?
- POTUS's 'old, unsecure Android phone' is probably a Samsung Galaxy S3 — a model from almost five years ago.The New York Times has reported that Donald Trump still tweets from the White House on his "old, unsecured Android phone, to the protests of some of his aides," contradicting earlier reports that the president had turned in the handset in exchange for a "secure, encrypted device approved by the Secret Service."It's difficult to know with 100% certainty which Android device Trump currently uses to tweet (or whether it's the off-the-shelf model he likely used during his campaign, or some secured variant.)
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Trump might still be using his five-year-old Android phone and that's a bigly problem

Trump might still be using his five-year-old Android phone and that's a bigly problem
- Donald Trump is fabulously wealthy, that's for sure.While his actual net-worth is a subject for debate, it's safe to assume that he can afford a new smartphone.Which is why it's so strange that The Donald continues to use an old Samsung Galaxy S3 – which was first released in 2012 – as the vessel of choice for his ever-deranged twitter shitposting.
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Anonymous publish guide on how to hack president's Android phone

Anonymous publish guide on how to hack president's Android phone
- Jasper Hamil The SunTHE hacktivism group Anonymous has published a simple guide on how to hack Donald Trump's phone.Members of the masked collective published advice on how to crack into The President's smartphone on a Twitter account with more than 1.68 million followers.The Sun report some commentators believe Trump still uses the same mobile he owned before taking office, which The New York Times described as an "old, unsecured Android phone".
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