"stuff" : Crosscall’s Trekker-X3 is a properly rugged Android phone

Throw it somewhere hard, cold or wet and it'll still do its duty as an Android Marshmallow smartphone - which is great news for clumsy operators. How hard, cold and wet? Pretty much: sure you could probably kill it with fire or a really, really big rock - but the X3 is otherwise the Bear Grylls of mobiles. Better yet, with a 3500mAh cell it'll probably see you all the way up to the top of the mountain for a 8MP Mont Blanc selfie. In fact, with an IP67 rating, it'll fend off everything from chlorinated water to oil, dust and dirt.

as declared in

Android phone lock patterns can be cracked easily – here's how to protect yourself

Android phone lock patterns can be cracked easily – here's how to protect yourself
"Since our threat model is common in day-to-day life, this paper calls for the community to revisit the risks of using Android pattern lock to protect sensitive information." This footage can then be fed into the finger-tracking software to identify a set of possible lock patterns to try. The lock pattern method, which involves tracing an outline across a grid of dots, is used by many to secure their Android phones. Researchers have warned that a popular method for locking Android smartphones can be cracked in just five attempts. The researhers also warned that more complex patterns are actually easier to identify, writing: "We discovered that, in contrast to many people's belief, complex patterns do not offer stronger protection under our attacking scenarios.

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