"liliputing" said : Android 7.1.2 beta brings fingerprint notification swiping to Nexus 5X

collected by :Andro Alex

Google is bringing a feature that used to be a Pixel exclusive to at least one older Nexus phone. Android 7.1.2 beta started rolling out for select devices this week, and some users have noticed that there's now an option for Nexus 5X users to swipe down on the phone's fingerprint scanner to display notifications. Google hasn't rolled out Android 7.1.2 beta for the Nexus 6P yet, but there's some speculation that the new feature could come o that phone too. In this case, you'll need a phone with a fingerprint reader… and it may have to be a specific type of sensor (or one that's placed on the back of the phone, as it is on the Nexus 5X and Pixel phones). It's possible that the new gesture could become available for other phones in the future, but like most Moves, it will obviously only work on devices with the supported hardware.

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Android 7.1.2 brings fingerprint gestures over to the Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P likely to follow

Android 7.1.2 brings fingerprint gestures over to the Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P likely to follow
"incremental maintenance update focused on polishing and refinements,"Image courtesy of Reddit user spannerphantomTwo days ago, Google announced that a new maintenance update for Android Nougat is rolling out to Pixel and Nexus 5X owners participating in the Android Beta program. Well, in a pleasant turn of events, "Moves" are coming to both devices with the release of Android 7.1.2! When the Pixel phones launched last year, many Android fans complained about Google's apparent reluctance to bring the feature over to the last two Nexus phones, which sport the same fingerprint sensors as the ones found on the Pixels. There are currently four "Moves" in total, and you can check them out in the screenshot below: The final version of the maintenance update will roll out in a couple of months, Google says.If you haven't heard of "Moves" yet, they are basically shortcuts that let you access different features of the phone, or control parts of its interface, using the fingerprint scanner.

Google launches Android 7.1.2 beta for Pixel and Nexus devices [Update]
Google has announced a new Android beta release: Android 7.1.2. Further Reading Android 7.0 Nougat review—Do more on your gigantic smartphone The rollout of the beta is for the Pixel, Pixel XL, and Pixel C, as well as the Nexus 5X and Nexus Player. Update #2: We have official confirmation from Google that the two years of OS updates for the Nexus 6 and 9 are over, and they won't be receiving Android 7.1.2. The Nexus 6P isn't on the list for today, but Google says 6P will get the update "soon." Missing are the Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, which might be hitting end-of-life status with this release.

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