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Google Pixel XL Review: The Best Android Phone Right Now

Google Pixel XL Review: The Best Android Phone Right Now
And if you want more details on buying options for the Pixel and Pixel XL be sure to check out our Pixel and Pixel XL Buying Guide Google Pixel XL Review: DisplayThe Pixel XL packs in an AMOLED QHD display that is bright, punchy and vivid. Google Pixel XL Review: Specs & FeaturesThis is where the Pixel XL REALLY does come into its own. Google Pixel XL Review: What About The Google Pixel? Update: Google Update Fixes Google Pixel XL HeadachesGoogle has reportedly fixed a major bug that has been plaguing the Google Pixel handsets and causing speaker distortion at higher volume levels.

LG K8 Review: The Best Looking Budget Android Phone Around: Prices, Specifications, Reviews
LGK8 Review: VerdictI love the way the LG K8 looks. So is the LG K8 a viable option for those looking for an accessible, feature-packed Android phone? I think it is one of the best looking budget Android phones on the market right now. For this reason – and plenty more besides – many Android phone makers are focussing their efforts on the sub-£150 segment of the phone market. LG K8 Review: Designlg_k8_reviewLG KNOWS how to make great phones.

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