Trump trades in Android for a mystery phone

collected by :Andro Alex

follow the latest progress in Android "androidauthority" site most famous technicals /Robert Triggs by 2017-01-21 at 0:38

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How to navigate your Android phone storage folders

How to navigate your Android phone storage folders
- Android file managers can be a powerful tool for keeping your handset organized, but Android's organizational structure, or seeming lack of one, can be a little daunting for the casual browser.App data, pictures, music, and more are all accessed through a single starting folder, and that's certainly a different take to the hierarchy that PC and Mac users will be used to, and is much more powerful than what's available to iOS users.With Android, you won't have access to the deepest Android system files with a basic file manager or PC connection.
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Trump trades in Android for a mystery phone

Trump trades in Android for a mystery phone
- Tracking your feelings as you shop?Retailers explore new techWhat if a store could tell if a product made you happy or sad?Bridget Carey explores new technology that may be coming soon...
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8 cool tricks every Android phone user should know

8 cool tricks every Android phone user should know
- A couple of years ago, we wrote 7 cool tricks every Android user should know.While most of those tricks still work today, Android has changed a lot since then.It's time to addsome more tricks to the list.

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Android owners: Here's how to find your phone

Android owners: Here's how to find your phone
- Many of us keep our phones on us at all times.It can be baffling and frustrating when you misplace it.Once you've looked behind the couch and under your pillow, there is a technological way to try and track it down.
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Google's Pixel is still the hottest Android phone in town – BGR

Google's Pixel is still the hottest Android phone in town – BGR
- Google's pair of Pixel phones is a remarkable success for the company.Sure, they may have some flaws, but they're still the hottest Android devices in town — if you can get one.A new report indicates that Pixel "demand is exceeding supply" at Verizon.
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