"express" site refer to How to keep Gooligan virus off your Android phone ghhhhg

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follow the latest progress in Android "express" site most famous technicals /Michael Moore by 2016-12-08 at 1:17

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Updating Android apps could be about to help save your phone bill

Updating Android apps could be about to help save your phone bill
this image is quoting of "express" site

- GOOGLE Google is looking to help users save on the space they use for apps on their devicesGoogle has revealed a major change to how users update apps on their Android devices - and it could help stop you running up accidental huge data bills.The online giant has unveiled a new system for updating Android apps which it says greatly reduces the amount of data needed to do so.Users can save up to 65 per cent for many popular apps, and as high as 90 per cent for some cases - meaning customers use up less of their data allowance when updating.
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How to keep Gooligan virus off your Android phone

How to keep Gooligan virus off your Android phone
this image is quoting of "sandiegouniontribune" site

- Cybersecurity experts are warning that a new type of malicious software known as Gooligan has infected more than 1 million Android devices worldwide and is spreading at a rate of 13,000 devices a day.The malware has the ability to affect everything from Gmail and Google Photos to Google Drive and related services.Gary Davis, Intel Security Courtesy photo Gary Davis, Intel Security Gary Davis, Intel Security (Courtesy photo)The San Diego Union-Tribune discussed the emerging problem with Gary Davis, chief consumer security evangelist for the Santa Clara-based company Intel Security.
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The real effect Google's Pixel phone is having on Android

The real effect Google's Pixel phone is having on Android
this image is quoting of "computerworld" site

- If there's one thing worth remembering about Google's Pixel phone, it's that the device itself -- what we see on the surface -- is but one piece of a much larger puzzle.We've talked before about how the Pixel is more than the sum of its parts.The phone effectively lets Google have its cake and eat it, too -- by leaving Android open to manufacturers while also providing a holistic Google-controlled version of what an Android device ought to be.
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Top 5 Android phone brands that raised their game in 2016

Top 5 Android phone brands that raised their game in 2016
this image is quoting of "ibtimes" site

- 2016 has been very transformative year for technology, especially in the smartphone segment, which witnessed many companies striving to stand out.Instead of incremental internal hardware changes, handset makers now bid on design and bring innovative features to improve the user experience of their loyal patrons, who put hard earned money to buy their product.Some succeeded in their pursuit, while others succumbed to the pressure to meet the deadline.
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