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HTC 10 Review: Android Nougat Update Now AVAILABLE

HTC 10 Review: Android Nougat Update Now AVAILABLE
this image is quoting of "knowyourmobile" site

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Best Current And Upcoming Deals For The Android Nougat Smartphones

Best Current And Upcoming Deals For The Android Nougat Smartphones
this image is quoting of "techtimes" site

- AdvertisementThe flagship Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones from Google are creating quite a stir - their lens flare issue and LTE connectivity problem notwithstanding - and have consumers hankering for the Android Nougat-powered phablets.We check out some of the best available deals for the Google Pixel XL and Pixel, as well as some expected Black Friday 2016 specials.Verizon WirelessCurrently, Verizon has an exciting BOGO at 50 percent off offer for those eyeing more than one Google Pixel or Pixel XL smartphone.
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HTC USA on Twitter: "The Unlocked #HTC10 is getting Android Nougat — We've just passed TA testing, so you can expect a rollout to begin on Friday. https:

HTC USA on Twitter:
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- Add a location to your TweetsWhen you tweet with a location, Twitter stores that location.You can switch location on/off before each Tweet and always have the option to delete your location history.
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