"ibtimes" site refer to Chinese software in cheap Android phones is stealing US data: REPORT

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follow the latest progress in Android "ibtimes" site most famous technicals /India Ashok by 2016-11-25 at 10:0

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Secret rootkit on 3 million low-cost Android phones can allow hackers to remotely hijack devices

Secret rootkit on 3 million low-cost Android phones can allow hackers to remotely hijack devices
this image is quoting of "ibtimes" site

- Nearly 3 million Android phones have been found to be vulnerable to MITM (main-in-the-middle) code-execution attacks, thanks to a secret backdoor, which came pre-installed in low-cost devices.Security researchers identified a firmware, developed by Chinese firm Ragentek Group, left devices vulnerable to remotely executed attacks that could completely hijack affected devices, many of which are in use in the US.Researchers claimed that the most affected Android manufacturer is US-based BLU Products, with a 26% affected rate.
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Powerful backdoor/rootkit found preinstalled on 3 million Android phones

Powerful backdoor/rootkit found preinstalled on 3 million Android phones
this image is quoting of "arstechnica" site

- Almost three million Android phones, many of them used by people in the US, are vulnerable to code-execution attacks that remotely seize full control of the devices, researchers said Thursday.Until recently, the flaw could have been exploited by anyone who took the time to obtain two Internet domains that remained unregistered despite being hardwired into the firmware that introduced the vulnerability.After discovering the vulnerability, researchers from security ratings firm BitSight Technologies registered the addresses and control them to this day.
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Chinese software in cheap Android phones is stealing US data: REPORT

Chinese software in cheap Android phones is stealing US data: REPORT
this image is quoting of "businessinsider" site

- You and your friends may all have the newest iPhone, but you're actually in the minority: Over 80% of smartphone users are using an Android phone, according to IDC.Many of these Android phones are of the low-cost variety.Not Samsung's big flagship Galaxy phones, or even Google's flashy new Pixel, but models you've never heard of — unlikely to be advertised during Monday night football — that get the job done.
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