Why Android Fans Should Love the iPhone Rival
Why Android Fans Should Love the iPhone Rival
+ READ ARTICLEGoogle's new smartphones, the Pixel and Pixel XL, boast a slick design, impressive camera, new voice aide dubbed Google Assistant, and, ahem, a standard headphone jack.They also represent a major turning point for the Mountain View, Calif.-based tech giant: Google's new approach more closely ties its software and hardware, much like rival Apple.The move could not come at a more important time for Android, the company's mobile eight-year-old operating system.
How Google's new Pixel phones compare to the latest iPhone and Android competition
How Google's new Pixel phones compare to the latest iPhone and Android competition
Google's new Pixel phones are here.After years of overseeing reference Nexus devices running stock Android, Google is finally stepping into the smartphone fray to show what its vision of Android looks like.The Pixel and Pixel XL feature deep software integration to Google's services, including Google Assistant, Daydream, and Google Photos.
After buying 9 Android smartphones in a row, this Android fan switched to the iPhone 7
After buying 9 Android smartphones in a row, this Android fan switched to the iPhone 7
When it comes to smartphone allegiance, most consumers up their minds a long time ago.Whether you're a fanatic or simply set in your ways, chances are that you're not going to switch from iPhone to Android or vice versa.At least, until a phone so tempting comes along that you have to see what all the fuss is about.
Android phones best Apple's iPhone 7 battery life
Android phones best Apple's iPhone 7 battery lifeThis may be hard for Apple and its loyalists to hear, but the iPhone 7 does not have better battery life than the best Android phones.Which?, a U.K.-based publication, put the iPhone 7 against the HTC 10, G5, and Galaxy S7 to see where the phones ranked in terms of battery life.Here's an explanation of the publication's battery life testing:In the interest of fairness, we test battery life using our own phone network simulator.
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