smh :Google's Pixel is a challenge to other Android phone-makers, not Apple

Google's Pixel is a challenge to other Android phone-makers, not Apple

Google's Pixel is a challenge to other Android phone-makers, not Apple
In a move not unlike Microsoft's when it first introduced the Surface, Google is trying to show vendors how it's done.This week we got our first (official) look at Google's new Pixel smartphones, and predictably much of the discussion has been around how they stack up to or "challenge" Apple's iPhones, and whether they're really Google's "first ever" phones or just Nexus devices by another name.While the Pixel has some obvious physical similarities to the iPhone, and while there were some playful jokes at Apple's expense during Google's presentation (free online storage, headphone jack etc), it's not necessarily accurate to say the big G is "taking the fight" to Apple by attempting to make an iPhone of its own.

Google Pixel packs awesome new Android features, but there's a problem

Google Pixel packs awesome new Android features, but there's a problem
GETTY The Pixel is the first phone to be designed and "made" by GoogleGoogle announced two new smartphones, Pixel and Pixel XL, during a hardware event in San Francisco earlier this week.The flagship smartphones are the first to be designed and "made" by Google.Pixel and Pixel XL will showcase the US search firm's vision of Android devices.

Google Pixel Event: Android Maker Readies New Phones, Gadgets Featuring Its Software

Google Pixel Event: Android Maker Readies New Phones, Gadgets Featuring Its Software
Google may be getting serious about selling its own hardware gadgets.On Tuesday, the search giant will ramp up its consumer electronics strategy with expected announcements of new gadgets including new smartphones and an Internet-connected personal-assistant for the home similar to Amazon's Echo speaker.All are intended to showcase Google's software and online services.

Google Pixel Upends the Android Universe

Google Pixel Upends the Android Universe
By the time Google announced its pair of Pixel smartphones on Tuesday, the devices had already been leaked all to pieces.Shape, size, specs; even color variants were laid bare by clumsy carriers.In fact, just about the only thing left unknown about the Pixels is what they'll do to the already splintered Android ecosystem.

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