5 upcoming Android phones that are worth waiting for/Jordan Minor

5 upcoming Android phones that are worth waiting for

5 upcoming Android phones that are worth waiting for
5 upcoming Android phones that are worth waiting for
It's an interesting time to be an Android acolyte.The iPhone 7 is perhaps the most divisive iPhone ever, thanks to its infuriating decision to remove the headphone jack, causing more people to consider the alternative operating system.However, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, one of the flagship Android phones, is literally bursting into flames.

iPhone 7 vs. Android: Fan switches after owning 9 Android phones

iPhone 7 vs. Android: Fan switches after owning 9 Android phones
iPhone 7 vs. Android: Fan switches after owning 9 Android phones
When it comes to smartphone allegiance, most consumers up their minds a long time ago.Whether you're a fanatic or simply set in your ways, chances are that you're not going to switch from iPhone to Android or vice versa.At least, until a phone so tempting comes along that you have to see what all the fuss is about.

3 Android phones that offer long battery life

3 Android phones that offer long battery life
3 Android phones that offer long battery life
3 Android phones that offer long battery lifeBattery life is one of the most important considerations a buyer can make when choosing an Android phone.But not all Android phones are equal when it comes to battery power.Android Central has a helpful list of three Android phones that offer superior battery life.

Google Pixel phones won't fix Android fragmentation

Google Pixel phones won't fix Android fragmentation
Google Pixel phones won't fix Android fragmentation
Every time someone asks me to recommend a new phone, I always have the same answer.Go with the iPhone.It's been a tougher question to answer recently, as Android phones have approached and in some cases beaten the iPhone in terms of design and capability.

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