LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens/Aj Dellinger

LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens

LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens
LG's New Android Phone Has 2 Screens
If there is one thing no one will ever accuse the LG V20 of being, it's boring.The field of Android phones is crowded with near identical devices, so LG has thrown every quirk imaginable into its newest handset to see what might stick.Perhaps the most noticeable oddity about the V20 is its dual screen setup.

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BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning
BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning

The Android Phone That's The Best Value For Your Money

The Android Phone That's The Best Value For Your Money
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The Best Cheap Android Phone [September 2016]
There's some big movement on our list of the Best Cheap Android Phones this month.ZTE, in particular, had 2 new qualifying devices hit the market.For starters, the ZTE ZMax Pro made a pretty big impact when we were treated to its unveiling in June.

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