iPhone 7 vs. Android Benchmarks: A10 Fusion chip is 2x faster/Chris Smith

iPhone 7 vs. Android Benchmarks: A10 Fusion chip is 2x faster

iPhone 7 vs. Android Benchmarks: A10 Fusion chip is 2x faster
iPhone 7 vs. Android Benchmarks: A10 Fusion chip is 2x faster
I told you well before Apple announced it that the iPhone 7 will be the fastest smartphone in the world, since the only smartphone it would have to beat for the title is the iPhone 6s.Then the first benchmarks came out, proving the extraordinary speed gains that Apple advertised on stage.How fast is the iPhones?

4 Big iPhone 7 Features That Started On Android Phones

4 Big iPhone 7 Features That Started On Android Phones
4 Big iPhone 7 Features That Started On Android Phones

How to live with an iPhone and an Android phone

How to live with an iPhone and an Android phone
How to live with an iPhone and an Android phone
I remember when Camila Rinaldi invited me to be part of AndroidPIT.At this time, it was necessary to create a forum profile with some personal information, information such as the smartphone I use.At the time, I wrote that the Zenfone 5 was my daily driver, as it was one of the phones I had in my possession at the time.

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