iPhone 7 is nice but Android users have no reason to be jealous : Features, News/Javed Anwer

iPhone 7 is nice but Android users have no reason to be jealous : Features, News

iPhone 7 is nice but Android users have no reason to be jealous : Features, News
iPhone 7 is nice but Android users have no reason to be jealous : Features, News
A new iPhone launch is always an exciting time -- for the Apple fans and iPhone users as well as for their arch rivals, the Android users.Although the reasons why the two camp get excited are different.For the iPhone users, the new iPhone means "progress".

Seven features the iPhone 7 'borrows' from Android

Seven features the iPhone 7 'borrows' from Android
Seven features the iPhone 7 'borrows' from Android
If you were watching the Apple live stream and shouting at your computer, "hey, Android already has that!" over and over, you weren't alone.Apple certainly took some "inspiration" from many of the hardware innovations brought about by Android phone makers.Here's a recap of the features that Apple ballyhooed on stage, but aren't exactly news to those of us who have been using Android phones for the past few years.

Notes on the iPhone 7 launch from an Android user

Notes on the iPhone 7 launch from an Android user
Notes on the iPhone 7 launch from an Android user
JUST AS TRADITIONAL as the Apple iPhone launch is my annual deconstruction of the nonsense and hyperbole of it all as we play 'Where did Apple nick that from?'."Black is black.I want my baby back," sang Los Bravos in their 1966 hit.

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