How the new iPhone 7 compares to the best Android phones/Chaim Gartenberg

How the new iPhone 7 compares to the best Android phones

How the new iPhone 7 compares to the best Android phones
How the new iPhone 7 compares to the best Android phones
Apple announced the latest iterations of the iPhone today, with what the company claims are its best iPhones yet.The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus bring faster processors, new cameras, and some minor visual updates to antenna placement and color choices from last year's iPhone 6S — but these improvements come at the cost of the 3.5mm headphone jack.And while Apple has always been coy about the actual specifications of their devices, hard numbers for processor speed, RAM, and battery life are less important than ever nowadays.

Samsung hints at a new life for Windows as an Android app

Samsung hints at a new life for Windows as an Android app
Samsung hints at a new life for Windows as an Android app
Samsung has filed for a patent covering a mobile device that could run a second operating system via virtualization.While that's nothing new for the PC industry, it's the accompanying illustration that's intriguing: an Android phone running virtualized Windows apps.The Samsung patent application, reported on SamMobile and MSPowerUser, covers all sorts of digital devices, according to Samsung: smartphones, tablet PCs, notebook computers, and more.

Google may drop 'Nexus' and vanilla Android on new phones

Google may drop 'Nexus' and vanilla Android on new phones
Google may drop 'Nexus' and vanilla Android on new phones
Google will no longer use the 'Nexus' branding for its smartphones and (maybe?)tablets, a new report from Android Central suggests.Additionally, flagship Android handsets from Google will no longer be 'vanilla' Android, instead adding a layer of complexity atop the experience, much like Samsung and LG do with their own handsets.

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