BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning/

BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning

BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning
BlackBerry's 2016 Android Phone Lineup REVEALED: The BlackBerry DTEK50 Is Just The Beginning

How to Solve Android Phone Not Detecting SD Card Problem – Samsung Update

How to Solve Android Phone Not Detecting SD Card Problem – Samsung Update
How to Solve Android Phone Not Detecting SD Card Problem – Samsung Update
So that new SD card you bought to expand the storage on your android device isn't working?Installing a microSD card is one of the best ways to solve the 'insufficient storage' problem on Android, and make sure that you have enough room for all your media and other files.This post highlights a number of tried and proved techniques that you can use to completely fix this undetected SD card problem.

Samsung Patent Shows Galaxy Phone Running Windows and Android

Samsung Patent Shows Galaxy Phone Running Windows and Android
Samsung Patent Shows Galaxy Phone Running Windows and Android
One major criterion when searching for a new phone is certainly the operating system.While there are some options available on the market, two operating systems seem to dominate.Android and iOS take up most of the market share while little remains for Windows and BlackBerry OS.

Samsung Patent Showcases Hybrid Smartphone Running Android And Windows Phone Simultaneously

Samsung Patent Showcases Hybrid Smartphone Running Android And Windows Phone Simultaneously
Samsung Patent Showcases Hybrid Smartphone Running Android And Windows Phone Simultaneously
There's probably isn't a huge crowd of smartphone shoppers fretting over the decision to go with Android or Windows Phone , but for those pondering the two platforms, Samsung may one day make the choice easy—go with both!That's the idea behind a patent application Samsung filed in South Korea, one that describes a phone running both OSes at the same time.Samsung's approach is different than that of a dual-booting solution.What Samsung conceived is a much slicker solution in which switching between Windows Phone and Android would be similar to bouncing around different open apps like you can already do in Samsung's Multi Window feature for its Galaxy handsets.According to the patent filing, Android and Windows Phone would occupy two separate windows.

7 Best and Worst Phone Makers for Fast Android Updates

7 Best and Worst Phone Makers for Fast Android Updates
7 Best and Worst Phone Makers for Fast Android Updates
Curious about which Android OEMs are the fastest and slowest at releasing Android updates?These are the phone makers to keep your eye on.| Jewel Samad/Getty Images Curious about which Android OEMs are the fastest and slowest at releasing Android updates?

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