Android phone users more humble, honest than iPhone users: Study/

Android phone users more humble, honest than iPhone users: Study

Android phone users more humble, honest than iPhone users: Study
Android phone users more humble, honest than iPhone users: Study
Researchers also found that women were twice more likely to own an iPhone than an Android Phone.(Source: Pixabay) Researchers also found that women were twice more likely to own an iPhone than an Android Phone.(Source: Pixabay)People who use Android smartphones may have greater levels of honesty and humility than iPhone users, new research suggests.

People who buy Android found to be more humble and honest than iPhone users

People who buy Android found to be more humble and honest than iPhone users
People who buy Android found to be more humble and honest than iPhone users
A person's choice of mobile phone can say a lot about their personality, according to new research.Scientists have discovered that people who purchase Android phones are more honest and humble than those who pick iPhones.The study also found that women were twice more likely to own an iPhone than an Android and that iPhone users were more worried about having a high status phone than others.

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