usgamer :Telltale Games Publishes Mr. Robot for iOS and Android

Telltale Games Publishes Mr. Robot for iOS and Android

Telltale Games Publishes Mr. Robot for iOS and Android
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Oxenfree dev just released a Mr. Robot game on iOS and Android •

Oxenfree dev just released a Mr. Robot game on iOS and Android •
Last Week Telltale Games teased a game based on the hit hacking show Mr .Robot.Now that game is out on iOS and Android and it's a fourth wall-breaking mobile adventure created by Oxenfree developer Night School Studio.Robot:1.51exfiltratiOn, this meta spin-off sees players picking up a phone that belongs to black hat hacker Darlene as she's gearing up to dismantle the world's largest tech company E-Corp (towards the end of Season One).

Telltale releases Mr. Robot mobile game on iOS and Android

Telltale releases Mr. Robot mobile game on iOS and Android
In collaboration with Telltale Publishing, Night School Studios have officially released a text adventure game based on the TV series, Mr Robot.The mobile title, Mr.Robot:1.51exfiltratiOn is currently available for IOS and Android-based devices.

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