Android 7.0 Nougat tells iPhone switchers how to migrate their data/Mihăiță Bamburic

Android 7.0 Nougat tells iPhone switchers how to migrate their data

Android 7.0 Nougat tells iPhone switchers how to migrate their data
Android 7.0 Nougat tells iPhone switchers how to migrate their data
Switching from an iPhone to an Android smartphone can be quite daunting, which is why two years ago Google created an online guide to help users migrate important data, like contacts, photos, and music.And it has left it at that, leaving it to iPhone switchers to find it on their own.But, as you may know, newer versions of Android have made it easier for users to move their data from another Android device and now, with the introduction of Nougat, those wanting to migrate content from an iPhone or iPad are getting a dedicated import option too, while setting up their new device.

11 Things You Can Do in Android Nougat You Couldn't Before

11 Things You Can Do in Android Nougat You Couldn't Before
11 Things You Can Do in Android Nougat You Couldn't Before
Android 7.0 Nougat is rolling out to Nexus devices right now and will eventually reach devices from other hardware makers in the coming months.Whether you've just downloaded it or are still awaiting the update, these are the new features you'll want take advantage of.Here are 11 things you can do with Android 7.0 Nougat that you couldn't do before.

5 things you may not know about Android Nougat

5 things you may not know about Android Nougat
5 things you may not know about Android Nougat
With the gradual rollout of Google's hot new operating system, we're still in the process of exploring everything that Android Nougat has to offer.Here are five things we've discovered that you might not know.Move To AndroidGoogle's response to Apple's Move To iOS app seems to be a new setup feature in Android N. When you first install Android N, the first screen you'll see is an option to move your data from an Apple device.

T-Mobile announces initial devices that will receive Android Nougat

T-Mobile announces initial devices that will receive Android Nougat
T-Mobile announces initial devices that will receive Android Nougat
Just a few days after Google rolled out its latest major update, Android 7.0 Nougat, to selected Nexus devices last week, US carrier T-Mobile has now announced the nine devices that will be receiving the software update soon.While the actual rollout will probably be months away, given our history with these major updates, it's still something to look forward to for those who own the mostly Samsung and HTC flagship smartphones.Users will also be able to track the progress of the updates, at least in three general stages.

Android Nougat sees Google catch up to Samsung, with a nod of thanks to Apple

Android Nougat sees Google catch up to Samsung, with a nod of thanks to Apple
Android Nougat sees Google catch up to Samsung, with a nod of thanks to Apple
Android 7 (aka Nougat) will come to Google's own Nexus phones first.John DavidsonShare on twitter John Davidson by As Google rolls out the latest version of Android to phone users around the world in coming days and weeks, there's a fact of history that's likely to get missed in the excitement: for some of the best new features, Android users have Apple to thank.At least, indirectly.

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