The ZTE ZMax Pro is a $99 Android phone with impressive specs video

The ZTE ZMax Pro is a $99 Android phone with impressive specs video

The ZTE ZMax Pro is a $99 Android phone with impressive specs video
The ZTE ZMax Pro is a $99 Android phone with impressive specs video
Here's how the Moto G4 looks with Amazon adsIf you want to knock $50 off our Editors' Choice phone for budget buyers, you'll have...

Andromium's $99 Superbook turns your Android phone into a laptop (crowdfunding)

Andromium's $99 Superbook turns your Android phone into a laptop (crowdfunding)
Andromium's $99 Superbook turns your Android phone into a laptop (crowdfunding)
Smartphones have changed the way the world gets online, by letting you put a tiny, touchscreen computer in your pocket or handbag.But sometimes it's still nice to have a larger screen, a full-sized keyboard, and a mouse or touchpad.The Superbook is a smartphone accessory that gives you all those things.

The $99 Andromium Superbook turns your Android phone into a laptop

The $99 Andromium Superbook turns your Android phone into a laptop
The $99 Andromium Superbook turns your Android phone into a laptop
For years, consumer tech companies have dreamed of convergence — that is, the idea of one device being the nexus of all your computing needs.Basically, they've tried really hard to have you buy a smartphone (the computer you carry in your pocket) that's also your laptop (the computer you use at home).Microsoft has been the most visible proponent of this idea in recent months; its Continuum feature allows Windows Phones to run a lightweight version of Windows 10 when plugged into a display dock.

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